Elderberries Immune- Enhancing Health Benefits
I’m sure many of you have heard of Elderberries and Elderberry Syrup… but why are they good, why should you invest in some “berry” syrup that can be so expensive (unless you make your own- recipe below).
Well my friend, let me tell you…
The Elderberry Plant
Elderberry and elder flower (Sambucus nigra) are one of Europe’s most esteemed remedies for colds and flues. Throughout history, they have been found to be the best medicine and food we have and can be grown throughout most of North America.
Elder’s berries have immune-enhancing and stimulating properties, powerful antiviral effects and are helpful in treating viral (flu, herpes, etc.) and upper respiratory infections. They are known to help prevent illnesses and also to speed up the recovery time from illnesses if you already have them.
And if that isn’t amazing enough… note the awesome name: “Elder” – as the Elder bush is frequently planted at the edge of an herb garden as the “protector” of the garden. Though deer, birds and other animals eat of it- it brings health to all of God’s creations.
Benefits of Elderberry
Elderberries are high in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Iron, potassium, and stimulate the immune system because of their many phytosterols (improve cell membrane function), flavonoids (protect the brain/ heart and have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic properties), and phenolic compounds (cancer prevention- and exhibit a wide range of physiological properties, such as anti-allergenic, anti-artherogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-thrombotic, cardioprotective and vasodilatory effects. )
Dr. Madeleine Mumcuoglu, of Hadassah-Hebrew University in Israel found that “elderberry disarms the enzyme viruses use to penetrate healthy cells in the lining of the nose and throat. Taken before infection, it prevents infection. Taken after infection, it prevents spread of the virus through the respiratory tract. In a clinical trial, 20% of study subjects reported significant improvement within 24 hours, 70% by 48 hours, and 90% claimed complete cure in three days. In contrast, subjects receiving the placebo required 6 days to recover.”
Bonus to its amazing health benefits… It tastes so freaking good. My boys LOVE it! … and yes they love some wierd stuff- so maybe I will get more credit saying my Husband LOVES it 🤪
Easiest way to get the Benefit from Elderberries
Elderberries are quite popular now, between elderberry syrup, gummies, tinctures, jams and teas. Elderberry Syrup is the most commonly used and usually includes herbs like ginger-root, cloves, cinnamon and honey. These herbs provide a wonderful and extra immune boost.
Ginger-root helps improved circulation and reduce inflammation. It’s a warming, decongesting herb used to help with colds and flus, respiratory congestion and sore throats. Its antiseptic properties make ginger very effective for helping gastrointestinal infections nausea.
Cloves contain high levels of acetyleugenol, a powerful antiseptic and antispasmodic. It also has antifungal properties and are good of oral infections.
Cinnamon is a powerful antiseptic with antiviral and antifungal properties. It also improves circulation and clears congestion.
Honey has plenty of health and healing properties, but the main ones include soothing coughs and sore throats. Plus, it makes your syrup taste nice and sweet. Honey also acts as a natural preservative to keep your syrup lasting longer.
Why make your own?
You will save a lot of money!
All premade Elderberry products are quite expensive. Elderberry syrup alone is around $20 for 5 ounces. But you can buy a 1Lb bag of dried organic elderberries and make your own syrup for less than $20. And that will allow you to make, over 60 ounces of syrup- depending on how concentrated you make your syrup.
Making your own is wonderful because you can customize the recipe based on your needs (perhaps mixing with echinacea) or flavor preferences! Plus, you can get creative with it and put the syrup on your pancakes, in your oatmeal, smoothies or make frozen elderberry popsicles! It’s all so fun and the kids love it!
How long does homemade elderberry syrup last?
It all depends. If you make your own and its sealed in the fridge (by filling a canning jar to the top with syrup while it’s still warm- making an air-tight seal) it can last for 3 months or so. If your dipping out of the jar daily, it’ll last about 2 weeks in the fridge.
You can also freeze a ½ filled jar with syrup (to allow for expansion) or poor the liquid into ice cube trays and defrost small amounts when needed. That will extend the shelf life for a long time.
How much do I take?
- For preventative measures, you can take 1 Tablespoon for adults and 1 teaspoon for kids- once a day, taking breaks on the weekends so your body does not become immune.
- To treat or fight off a cold or flu, you can take 1-2 Tablespoons several times throughout the day… and you really do need to take it every 2-3 hours to be effective. For kids, I give them about 1-2 teaspoons throughout the day.
- NOTE: For babies under 1, you can make a small batch without the honey in it (honey is added at the end of the processes anyways- so easy to omit). This will make the elderberry juice not last as long, because honey acts as a natural preservative – but just freeze ½ of it if you want.
(Note: Always refer to your medical provider first if you have any questions. This is not intended as a substitute for the advice of your healthcare provider or physician.)
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Where do I buy elderberries?
I buy Organic Dried Elder Berrys, here off Amazon. The good stuff always gets sold out come Autumn (which is when you want to start your regular intake of elderberry syrup), so make sure you buy a bag or two early Autumn or in the Summer-time. I usually have no problem re-ordering the berries throughout the winter.
You can also grow your own! As I understand, they are pretty easy to grow from a cutting (more challenging from a seed) and are hardy in Zone 5- but can be grown zones 3-8. I’ve heard Norms Farms have great elderberry plants and very helpful if your interested. I really want to do this myself, but am waiting until after my 3rd baby is born. Can’t take on too much. Ha!
The recipe!

Elderberry Syrup
- 4 cups Water
- 1 1/2- 2 cups Dried organic black elderberries
- 1-2 Tbs Freshly grated organic ginger-root or 2-3 tsp dried organic ginger
- 1/2 tsp Ground organic cloves
- 1 tsp Ground organic cinnamon or 1 organic cinnamon stick
- 1 cup Raw local honey
- Pour water in a medium pan and add the elderberries, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves.
- Bring to a boil and then cover (with lid slightly ajar) and reduce heat to a simmer for about 1 hour. The liquid should be reduced by almost half.
- Remove from heat and let it cool slightly.
- Carefully, pour through a strainer and mash berries using a spoon to extract all the juice. OR use a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth, to strain out the mixture.
- Pour through a strainer or cheesecloth again- into a glass jar. Discard the elderberries.
- When the liquid is lukewarm, add honey and stir well. NOTE: If giving to a baby under 1-2 years old- leave out the honey.
- Store in the fridge and take daily for immune-boosting properties.
- For preventative measures, you can take 1 Tablespoon for adults and 1 teaspoon for kids- once a day, taking breaks on the weekends so your body does not become immune.
- To treat or fight off a cold or flu, you can take 1-2 Tablespoons several times throughout the day… and you really do need to take it every 2-3 hours to be effective. For kids, I give them about 1-2 teaspoons throughout the day.
- NOTE: For babies under 1, you can make a small batch without the honey in it (honey is added at the end of the processes anyways- so easy to omit). This will make the elderberry juice not last as long, because honey is a natural preservative - but just freeze ½ of it if you want.
Here is a video, if you’re a visual learner:
Let me know your variation!
The fun thing about herbs and natural remedies, is that their is no exact concoction of ingredients. You follow the guidelines, but can increase, decrease, add or eliminate ingredients of your choosing. Enjoy and have fun with it!!!
Want more?
Have you heard of Fire Cider? Well, its one Kick-Ass Cider to knock out a cold and can be used to keep you healthy throughout the winter. Check it out here!
Coughing a lot lately, take a look at one of my favorite homemade natural cough syrup and tea here!
Also, check out my online ebook, The Simply Natural Home Handbook, for more herbal remedies and natural supplements. Plus obtain a complete “how to” guide for cleaning out your home and products of unwanted toxins and chemicals.