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Momma Pelvic Core Rehab

  • 8 Week Program
  • Main Focus: To restore the body from stresses of pregnancy and core/ pelvic floor weakness, HEAL Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation- back pain, core instability, momma pooch) and/or Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions (peeing pants, pain, prolapse).
  • Four Phases of progression that incorporate RETRAINING body alignment, breathing, and the true core and pelvic floor powerhouse muscles (which provide a framework of strength).  Followed by RECONNECTING and REBUILDING the abdominals, pelvic floor, and all supporting muscles. Finishing up with INTEGRATING other forms of resistance training in and learning how to TRANSITION into a more active lifestyle.
  • Goal: Pain and discomfort-free AND comfortable in your mom rocking body!

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