Momma Pelvic Core Rehab
8 Week Program
Healing “The Momma Pooch”
and Recovering the Core and Pelvic Floor
This Program is for those Experiencing any of the Following:
✔︎ Diastasis Recti (gap and/ or stabbing pain between the abdominals)
✔︎ Momma Pooch (that post pregnancy bulge that just doesn’t go away… even years later)
✔︎ Pelvic Floor Pain (postpartum vaginal pressure, heaviness, stabbing pain or uncomfortable intercourse)
✔︎ Urinary Incontinence (peeing when you jump, cough, sneeze, exercise, pick up your kids…)
✔︎ Low Back Pain
✔︎ Inadequate Body Functioning Post Baby (something just feels off with your core, back, hips, knees…)
✔︎ Abdominal / Core Weakness and Instability
✔︎ Pregnancy (current, recent or many years ago)

Not Sure If This Program Is For You?
Think about it for a second: during pregnancy, your hip region was imbalanced to adjust for the extra baby belly weight. Plus, ALL your abdominal AND pelvic floor muscles (that basket of muscles that holds up all your innards) were stretched to the max… and maybe even cut from a Cesarean section. Most likely this caused other
areas of the body to pick up the slack, hence, that new hip, knee, low or mid back pain you’ve been feeling…
And if you have or had diastasis recti, along with pain in the pelvic floor, abdominals and low back, or if you pee a little when you cough or jump, ughm; then your going to want to click that button to start recovering and rebuilding your inner pelvic core powerhouse. Even if you had children 20 years ago, some discomforts and annoyances you’ve had for years now, could very well be caused by an unhealed diastasis recti and a weak pelvic floor. It’s never to late to start…
Let’s take some time for YOU and help you get on top of having a healthier stronger core and pelvic floor. I want to help you heal your diastasis, eliminated back pain, pelvic floor pain, core instability, that unwanted momma pouch and wet panties. Now is your time momma! Check out the video below to start a few movements right now!
Outline Of Your 8 Week Re-Building Program
This 4 Phase, 90 page detailed guide was designed for moms in any stage.
Providing education and exercise progressions needed to heal diastasis, and rebuild and restore the true core … in just 10-20 minutes a day!
Week 1: Retrain Body and Mind
- Obtain new health habits, a plan for your recovery and a fresh mindset.
- Retrain breathing habits to avoid progressing diastasis recti further.
- Learn how to move the pelvis and to perform a posterior pelvic tilt.
- Adjust and retrain posture and body alignment.
- Increase range of motion with the body to allow for healing.
- Re- Introduce you to your pelvic floor.
(Pages 9-21)
Week 2-3: Reconnect Deep Pelvic Core
- Learn how to re-connect the Pelvic Floor Muscles with your breath and the rest of the body.
- Understand how to engage the Transverse Abdominal Muscles and separate that contraction from the rest of the core.
- Reconnect the entire pelvic core with your breath, to be able to engage and function together again within movement.
- Stretch the muscles worked to allow for healing and greater movement within the body.
(Pages 22-36)
Weeks 4-7: Rebuild and Support Pelvic Core
- Rebuild and support the pelvic core with 10-20 minute daily workouts (52 different pelvic core exercises: a total of 104 exercises).
- 4 active rest days, include 10 major muscle group stretches.
(Pages 37-87)
Week 8+: Integrate and Transition
- Learn how to integrate in, other forms of resistance, along with old workout routines.
- Recommendations on how to transition from the program to an active lifestyle.
- –Completion advise and congratulations!
(Pages 88-92)
Heart Behind the Program
I have seen an ever growing need for true education regarding a women’s body after pregnancy… and I know the unlimited information on the internet, often confuses the heck out of people. I find that too many women are physically uncomfortable, overwhelmed and get stuck in a rut not knowing what to do… even years after having a baby.
So I wanted to develop a 2 month program that would scientifically educate and help women understand their body and the exercises I have in this program… then to heal, restore and rebuild from there. My heart truly is to see you pain and discomfort free AND comfortable in your mom rocking body! To heal from diastasis recti, core instability, back and pelvic floor issues and discomforts and from just from having a baby in general. The learning and strength developed, will teach you how to properly engage your true pelvic core powerhouse, when needed to protect your body and keep it strong.
This is not a quick fix program
Yes, I know everyone wants a quick fix and a flat stomach… and 2 months may seem like quite some time for recovery and rebuilding. However, muscles and other tissues in the body, take time to heal and need that time to learn how to fire properly and work together again, especially after being stressed and/or injured. Plus, when you eat a more balanced whole food, nutrient rich diet… weight loss and a flatter tummy will naturally happen during this program.
So I felt 2 months was a good amount of time to really learn (or re-learn) how to properly engage and rebuild your deep abdominals, pelvic floor and all the supporting structures around it, so that you could really get the results your body needs! I’ve included detailed exercise descriptions and photos in this program. This is for you to fully grasp, exactly when to exhale and inhale, along with when and how to engage specific muscle groups that need to be focused on during each movement, to provide you the best and most efficient outcome.
Don’t accept less than the best…
Many changes happen during pregnancy, in respect to growing, carrying and delivering a child… but not all of those changes are “normal”. YES, your body did a remodel, but NO, you do not have to live with those pains and discomforts just because you’re a mom. According to Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, one in three women have some form of pelvic floor and core dysfunction and even that is too many.
My goal is to get your pelvic core working properly again – developing lifelong habits that will support your restructured mom body – and to have you living life to the fullest!
Goals of Momma Pelvic Core Rehab Program
★ Education. Knowledge is power.
★ Fix breathing- not shallow, not all belly, but 360. The diaphragm is the top of the true core.
★ Fix posture to decrease the load on the abdominals, which could be a large contributor to diastasis recti.
★ Perform exercises to “wake up” the pelvic floor and transverse abdominal muscles, aka the inner pelvic core.
★ Perform exercises that support alignment and proper pelvic core function. Strong glutes, adductors, rotators, core and pelvic floor.
★ Perform exercises to support and regain muscle balance. Balance between external obliques, rectus and transverse abdominals. Not overworking one area, but incorporating them all together.
★ A more comfortable, confident and stronger you!
Who Am I…
I’m Crystal Maniscalco. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology: Applied Exercise Science; I’m a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist via NSCA-CSCS, a Pre/Post-Natal Specialist, Nutrition/Lifestyle Coach, and a Holistic Healing Advocate. I’m also a stay-at-home mom of 2 boys and 1 little girl!
Kinesiology and helping women rebuild and discover balance within their post-baby body is my passion. I love helping individuals feel and move better by studying and restoring the mechanics of their movement and identify imbalances in their bodies structure, to rebalance them.
My heart is to give and I’m on a mission to help you live a fuller, complete, balanced and healthier life.
My Experience with Diastasis Recti and Symphysis Pubis Diastasis:
Before, during and after all three of my pregnancies, I worked on my pelvic core intently to help strengthen the areas and encourage healing. This helped me avoid a large diastasis recti (split of the abdominal wall – a small gap is normal a few months after delivering).
However, at about 13 months postpartum with my second child, my abdominals separated slightly, about 1/2 a finger width. My sons reflux and strong willed nature at that time, called for standing and holding him as he whipped around for 3-4 hours in the middle of the night. It was when nursing didn’t calm him down anymore and standing was the only thing that got him to relax for 4-5 minutes at a time, to get some burps out.
I took the stress on my body for about 3 months until I kept feeling a stabbing pain in my abdominals, my pelvic floor starting hurting again and my back and arms where shot. So I put my husband on night-time duty and at 17-18 months postpartum, I was working on healing that small little split. It only took about a month using the exercises from this program and now I am always extra cautious of my core and floor and remembering to engage it when I need to.
With my third pregnancy, I experienced a slight symphysis pubis diastasis around 20 weeks (where the ligaments around your pubic symphysis become too relaxed and stretchy too soon before birth). I began doing this program (because I was recording a pregnancy version) and performing the specific strength, stabilization and flexibility work, really helped me be able to manage the pain. Wearing a pelvis support belt while running around with my toddlers and trying to not hold them as much, helped as well. 😉
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I do this program if I’m pregnant?
Most definitely! It’s a great time to strengthen your true core because you will recover faster and deliver easier! All the movements are pregnancy safe, however if you are in your third trimester, prop yourself up slightly for the exercises that are performed on your back. If you are pregnant and new to exercising, consult your doctor first.
How will my Momma Pelvic Core Rehab Program be delivered?
It is a digital program and you will get an immediate pdf link after purchase. Once you return from PayPal, the link will be right on that bottom screen, under downloads. The program link will also be saved in “My Account” at the top menu bar, under downloads (so makes sure you make an account when you checkout 😉). You will also receive an email with the a link to download the program.
What equipment will I need and can I do the entire program in my home?
Yes you can complete this program in your home! And all you need is:
- Small soft pilates/ myo-therapy ball about 8” across.
Or a thick pillow.
- Large exercise ball– can get away with not having this and can use a chair.
- 6”- 24” high step or stable chair (depending on how tall you are, along with your fitness level and knee health). Ideally it should be about shin to knee height.
- A mat and a comfortable place to work-out and focus on the exercises. I am all for exercising with your children, however, you may need a good quiet space to be able to really concentrate on all the small muscle engagements you will be doing within each exercise.
Are their pictures, videos and descriptions for each of the exercises?
This program includes detailed descriptions of each exercise and stretch, along with photos showing the progression of each movement. Video links are also available for the first months exercises, so that you can clearly see and understand the muscle engagement and breathing used for “key” movements in this program.
Do I have to completely stop working out to complete this 8 week program?
If you have Diastasis Recti, then YES, stop all other forms of fitness… besides low intensity walking. For the most efficient healing and recovery, I’d advise you to follow the program only and wait on other forms of exercises to protect your abdominal tissues. High intensity and balance challenging exercises can causes pressure and strain on the areas we are trying to restore and rebuild. So just be patient and know that proper recovery takes time and healing, if done right.
If you are just looking to rebuild your deep core and pelvic floor, then NO. You do not have to stop all forms of fitness; but do wait on all high intensity and balance activity until after week 3 in the program.
I am years past having children, will this program still work for me?
Absolutely! It’s never too late to start restoring and rebuilding the deep pelvic core. You will be so happy you chose to do so!
How soon can I start this program after having my baby?
I would recommend waiting until you are cleared for exercises at your 6-week postpartum checkup. However, if your doctor okays you, the body alignment, breathing and pelvic floor exercises in the first week of the program, are gentle enough to start sooner – around 2-4 weeks. But I would not progress past week 1, until after your 6-week postpartum checkup.
Can this program help men or women who have not had children, but who have diastasis recti or those want to simply strengthen their inner abdominals and pelvic floor?
Certainly! This program will help anyone who has diastasis or who those looking to learn how to strengthen the inner abdominals and pelvic floor. … Just ignore the words momma. 😆
If I do not like this program for any reason, how do I receive a refund?
Please email me directly at and I will take care of you! You will receive a full refund within the first 30 days of purchase if you are not satisfied with the program.
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