The Secret To A Great Stroller Workout

Lincoln at 18 months and Oliver at 3.5 years
My favorite go-to exercise with kids, is a stroller walk/run/strength workout! Why? Because my kids are contained and not attached or hanging off of me 😆. Plus the fresh air and being outside, brings calmness to everyone! My kiddos absolute LOVE stroller workouts… and now coming out of winter, they’ve been craving them and asking to do one almost every day. Yeah for me!
In this post you will find, what to expect on your stroller workouts for each kids age group (up to 4 years old), the strollers and accessories I use, some stroller friendly snack ideas for your kids and lastly, some ideas for your own stroller workout, including a warm-up and cool-down.

My Oliver when he was almost 2
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It wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows with my kids…
Sure, my children love it now, but they are 3.5 and 1.5 years old and are used to being in a stroller. At various ages, they acted and behaved in different ways. I’ve learned that you just have to keep adjusting what you do and what you bring and go from there. Just don’t give up on stroller workouts or get too frustrated, if want to continue them. Keep reminding yourself that it will get better… as with anything with kids!
Below is an age based timeline of what to do and how your kids may act, so you know what to expect before you venture out on your workout. This is from what I’ve experienced with my kids at certain ages and with adding a second child to my stroller workouts, along with what I’ve seen from my other stroller workout mom friends.
Breakdown of age groups for a 45 to 60 minute stroller workout:
Ages 0-5/6 months:
Fantastic! They sleep most of the time… or just fall asleep pretty peacefully. Around 4-6 months, you just venture out during one of their nap times. For us it was usually the morning nap or the mini late afternoon nap.
Just before my stroller workout, I’d breastfeed my child so that I knew they’d fall asleep and be more content. I’d usually do it after as well before the drive home… if we did an hour plus workout away from our neighborhood.

Oliver is 3 years and Lincoln was a few weeks old
Ages 6-9/10 months:
Horrible! This period of time for stroller walks sucks, because they are becoming more aware, but do not stay occupied for very long. I always try to point out animals, plants, different objects and signs we see on the workout, and just try to talk to them as much as I can. Having those link toys are great and those little entertaining bracelets and socks work well for short periods of time and stay attached to them.
Going with other people at this age group, doesn’t work very well either. I always found myself running ahead of my friends, trying to talk to my baby to calm him down or occupy him via his senses. Babies at this age, usually last about 15-20 minutes and then they just scream.
My suggestion:
Bring a career along with you. I love the Ergobaby All Carry position 360 Baby Carrier. It also comes with an infant insert when they are really small. I’ve even put my kids in the carrier itself, as old as 2.5 years old… I have smaller kids though.
- With my first child, I would stop a lot, take him out and play with him on my yoga mat, while I did a few strength exercises. I had all the time in the world back then, ha! Then I’d put him back in and finish up my run… which usually ended up with him falling asleep or crying (which happened more of the time). On the occasion he would fall asleep, yeah for me because I just got an extended workout period, even if I didn’t want one😆! And if he cried and he was done, I’d put him in the carrier and just walk the rest of the way or do a few exercises with him in the carrier as my extra weight.
- With my second, I just brought the ergo baby every single time… probably until he was about 15 months old. I’d to let him fuss around and try to fall asleep first, but if he didn’t, I would put him in the carrier and continue on. He has always been a little more feisty. I would improvise what exercises I did and would change my run to a brisk walk. I still got a great workout in, with the extra weight on me and also having to pushing my toddler in the stroller… just a different workout. Big lesson I learned, was to just go with it and to not get all stressed out… because it does get better! If you really want to continue doing stroller workouts, then just keep taking them and improvise on your end.

Oliver is 2.5 years old and Lincoln is 6 months
Ages 10- 20 months:
Fantastic! So around 9-10 months they can start eating snacks (safely… I love those fast dissolving ones to start with). Glory Hallelujah! Now they are content for longer periods of times. The key is to not give them the snacks right away. You hold them off as long as possible by doing the majority of your non-stop run/walk first. Engaging their senses by talking to them, pointing out objects, listening to sounds, etc… keeping them entertained. Then when they start to fuss a little, you hand them a few snacks.
These snack cups work the best; I attach them (with the link toys) to the bar in-front of them or the snack tray (depending on your stroller), so if the cup drops… they can grab it again and you don’t lose the cup. Then your baby is usually good to go for another 20 min or however long it takes them to eat the snack. You can also change out the snack 1/2 way through if they seem bored with the current on.
At this point you can stop and do a few exercises; no more than 10 minutes… especially if you have an older one with you. Just make sure you look at your kids and still engage them as you’re working out. I like to act silly or breathe super heavy … it always gets them giggling.
- If you have a younger and an older one… put the younger one on the side where they cannot reach the other ones snack tray… as they will try to steal all of their snacks. I learned that the hard way and their sides had to be switched, which of course was hard for my older son, until I showed him the greatness of his snacks not being up for grabs. 😆
- At this age, you can also start establishing rules for the stroller workout. Just make sure you stay consistent with your rules… whatever they may be.

Oliver is 3 years and Lincoln is 14 months
20 months- 3 years:
Wonderful! They do need plenty of snacks though… at least mine do. I use these mesh pouches and keep it right in my strollers handle bar pouch. I fill it up with some fresh fruits and veggies and a few healthier packaged snacks and treats… which they only get on stroller walks.
I try to avoid walking next to a playground, if I can, because then they have playground on their brains and seem to not be content anymore.
At this point, if you’re out for longer stretches, you should be ok with getting them out of the stroller for 10 minutes or so, as you do a few strength exercises and then get away with putting them back in the stroller after. If they do resist, you can have one of their favorite snacks saved up to convince them to sit.
- Don’t forget to re-establish new stroller workout rules, such as, when they can and cannot get out of their stroller (if they have learned to unbuckle themselves).

Oliver just turned 3 years old here and Lincoln was born that day!
3-4 years (I don’t have experience past 4 yet):
Amazing! They know the rules and they can help with the younger child… if there is one. They can even run along with you and be fine with getting back in the stroller, to finish up your workout.
If I stop to do a few exercises, both of my kids will usually play in the stroller (or they will talk with kids in other strollers, if we are with friends). My oldest will also get out and just wonder around close to me as I’ve stopped to do a few strength exercises. He will also entertain his brother (who stays in his seat) by bringing him rocks and sticks. It’s great. He loves it! He’s been over the rules and I trust him at this point.
Rules we have established for when they are out of the stroller: 1. Keep moving forward along the trail, 2. Stay out of the bushes and ON the trail, and 3. To not run too far ahead. That took my oldest a few months to learn (I had to sprint after him a handful of times… and re-teach, when he was almost 3 years old). Now he knows he can run ahead, but to keep looking back at me, and if he has got too far ahead (a distance he knows is acceptable), he stays there and waits for me to catch up. He is now helping my youngest learn too! Its just fantastic!
- I found that neighborhoods or trails that have a good variety in scenery, are more entertaining for them and they won’t talk to you as much or ask for SO many snacks. 🤣 The ones that do not have too much changing scenery, you’ll get your ear talked off and your snack pouch emptied within the first 20 minutes. I do thoroughly enjoy short amounts of quietness while we are out… as I’m sure you do too!

Oliver is 3.5 years and Lincoln about 19 months
With time…
It does get better and sweeter the more you do it and the older they get! What a wonderful time for your kids to rest in the fresh air and to experience natures beauty and Gods creations. All while you get a great workout in, being their example for what a healthy and active lifestyle looks like.👏
Lets Talk Strollers:
A good jogging stroller will make your life so much easier if you plan on doing walks, runs or stroller workouts with your kiddos. They maneuver and move so easily and turn with very little effort. You can use them anywhere too! Sure they are a little bigger, but who cares, its so much easier to use around town even if you’re not working out. My double stroller fits through all regular size doors. It is compact enough to fold up nicely in my Toyota Highlander SUV with enough room on the side and top for groceries… so I just always leave it in my car.
Single jogging stroller
I started out with the Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller when I had my first son. I LOVE this stroller because the break and wheel lock are right on the handle bar. The seat moves up and down and allows them to sit up further, while being buckled in, so they can move positions easily themselves. The sun shade canopy is amazingly large and can completely cover the seat if it’s raining (worked so well when we were in New York City in a rain storm!)
It is very easy to maneuver and folds up super small, especially if you fold the front wheel back and take the back wheels off. I love that the tires are rubber and foam filled, so you never have to worry about a flat, but are perfect for running. This stroller also has a front wheel lock if you are a fast runner and don’t like your front wheel shaking. I don’t run fast enough with the stroller for that to be an issue, but my husband does.
What I don’t like:
The only thing I do not like about the chicco jogging stroller, is that there is no hand break to help slow you down on hills. However, with one child in a single stroller, it’s really not that difficult to hold the stroller back as you run down a hill. Other then that, I have absolutely no complaints.
I assume the Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller is also a fantastic single stroller, because I have the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller and LOVE it 👇. The single seams to be exactly the same, just with one seat.
Double jogging stroller
Since having 2 children, I now have the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller. It is amazing and I am hooked. Thule is such a great company that makes amazing products. We have quite a few Thule products, including our Thule Cadence 2 Child Bike Trailer.
The Thule double stroller is so sleek and not bulky at all. I found the BOB strollers (which are very popular) to be bulky and chunky, even when they are folded down. The Thule is slim, folds up pretty flat and becomes pretty lean if you take the wheels off.
It has a hand break to help slow you down on hills… which is SO helpful with a double stroller! It also has a front wheel lock and a break. The under-the-stroller storage is very big and has a velcro cover over it. I absolutely love this feature, as it hides all my “crap”.
Attachable carseat adapter, snack trays, and a single and double stroller organizer for your handlebar, are also available.
What I don’t like:
The only aspects I do not like, is that the seats do not move to a straight up position, they are slanted back slightly. Which is not a huge deal and my kids don’t mind at all now. But I found that during that “horrible stage” of 6-10 months, I felt like my son wanted to sit up and move a little… but the seat did not allow him to with when he was buckled in. So, I just improvised and cut a dowel stick about 10 inches long. I put it under the canopy along the top of the stroller, to the back of the seat. When you go over bumps, you just have to readjust it… but it was only needed for about 3-4 months and then my youngest didn’t care anymore. Perhaps this is not an issue in the newer versions… 🤞

Lincoln at 10 months old
Stroller Friendly Foods:
Food storage:
- I like to use these reusable food storage bags, since I am always packing snacks everywhere I go… I found I was throwing away so many plastic ziplock bags.
- I then put all my snacks into a reusable mesh pouch to keep everything together in my bag or stroller. They are so durable and easy to wash too!
- For fresh fruit and sandwiches, I enjoy using these circular stainless steel containers and this rectangle stainless steel container, with a divider for storage.
Food ideas:
Baby first foods: Dissolvable cheerio puffs- I like the happy baby superfood puffs or the sprout organic quinoa puffs.
Fresh fruit: Tangerines, grapes, strawberries (when they are younger I cut them all in half). Blueberries, cut up peaches, apples and pears. Fresh smoothies, our favorite green smoothie recipe is here.
Dried fruit: Dried apricots, apples, bananas.
Packaged snacks: Pop chips, beet puffs, pretzels, squeezes (fruit and veggie ones), laura bars (they even have fruit and greens ones my boys love), enjoy life chewy bars, happy tot fiber and protein soft bake oat bars, beef and turkey sticks, dry cereal, rice cakes, etc.
Foods and treats reserved only for stroller walks (for my oldest):
Pirates booty, Yum Earth organic Gummy Bears and Lollipops, Stretch Island Fruit Leathers, or some sort of cookies… usually cinnamon raisin oat cookies (homemade most of the time, with no added sugar- then my 1.5 year old can enjoy them as well).
Now For You: What Can You Do On Your Stroller Workout
What sort of exercises can you do during a stroller workout?
Anything and everything without weights, however I will bring resistance bands with me most of the time. (The power systems bands in the link, I have used for 10 years with a ton of clients, inside and outside and just this year they started breaking! Excellent quality.) Sometimes I will just run and walk, but most of the time I enjoy breaking up my run with some exercises. I am not a runner and do not enjoy long distance running, so I love to change it up often!
I run for 5-20 minutes and then stop for 5-10 and do a few body weight or banded exercises and repeat for about 1 hour. Somedays are slightly longer or shorter depending on how everyone is doing. I try to work my whole body, hitting every muscle group I can throughout the hour. Occasionally, I will do 3-5 sets of each exercises within a circuit and other times I will only repeat it 1-2 times.
Make a Plan!
I suggest you make a plan before you go, so that you do not give in and just walk because you do not know what to do. I usually plan it as I’m driving… and then I go from there and change what I need to change or add what I feel is right. If you don’t know what to do, I have so many 5-20 minute body weight exercise circuits on my social media sites you can use on your stroller workouts too! Here are the links: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Youtube
The video below is when I just had my Oliver. He was about 1 years old.
Don’t forget your warm-up
Many people forget to warm-up, but a little bit will go a long way in preventing injury and in increasing your performance. I get it, I’ve forgotten too, with all the hustle and bustle of getting your stroller open and out of your car, all your snacks in place and extra clothing and blankets if its cold. Plus, getting your kids in the stroller and strapped in… you just want to go already. But allow yourself 1-3 minutes more and warm-up your body. A quick simple total body range of motion warm up will go a long way, trust me. 🏃♀️
If your running from home or have a few minutes before you leave, use a high density foam roller! They are an amazing way to warmup and is really my best friend ❤️
Here is an example of a super fast run through, of a quick warm-up before my stroller run last week. My boys always laugh at me and say mom what are you doing? … when I make silly faces and sounds to keep them entertained. 🤪 In this video they where just distracted with the camera… so that worked!
Don’t forget to finish your workout with a stretch
Just like any other workout, don’t forget to hold a few static stretches at the end of your stroller workout. If you only ran or walked, then stretch your quads (front of your thigh), hamstrings (back of thigh), glutes, calfs and hip flexors. If you did a run/ walk plus strength exercises mixed within, stretch everything out. Make sure you hold each stretch for at least 20 seconds to allow the muscle belly to relax and actually release.
A great time to stretch, is after you get your kids out of the stroller. While they are first occupied with the playground, field, toys at home… take advantage and do a few stretches… you just worked hard.
I am at the point where I have to follow my 18 month around on the playground, since he is not quite big enough to do everything on his own. So when he is running around off the playground, that is when I get my stretching in… or additional strength exercises lol. I’ve learned to be ok with pausing for a minute to help him out and then resuming my stretch or workout when he is safe on the ground.
Conclusion! 🙌
I know that was a lot of information, but I’m believing it helped you get an idea about what to expect at each age for a stroller workout. Plus I hope you found the stroller, snack and workout ideas beneficial as well. Please let me know in the comments below, if you have any other questions or if I forgot to include any other aspects you are wondering about. HAVE FUN!